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  • 所属行业:其他机械传动部件
  • 产品描述:
    上海武田机电有限公司**销售CSN联轴器,CSN万向联轴器,CSN十字节,CSN万向节 ,产品型号**,价格优廉,欢迎咨询订购!



德国CARDAN SERV** NETWORK成立于1980年,主要产品有万向联轴器,主要应用于钢厂轧机及造纸行业.

Cardanshafts in "** quality - made by CSN"! Since the formation of the **pany in 1980 the CSN Wichmann GmbH has be**e a manufacturer of state-of-the-art cardanshaft technology. Today we are manufacturing cardanshafts for **mercial vehicle and industrial appli**ions of all kinds. Our stock numbers among the largest in Europe. By means of 9 production sites and a perfected EDP **puter-system we are able to guarantee extremely short delivery periods. Torque rods and V-arms from the specialist "** quality - made by CSN"- this is also true for these product types. You can get our torque rods and V-arms via the eligible **mercial vehicle spare parts distributor. You will not only receive the most popular types; also parts for rare vehicles, e.g. cranes and buses are permanently **ailable.

CSN Wichmann GmbH ...that stands for unconditional customer orientation regarding production, partial repair and serv** all around the cardanshaft technology, not only in Germany but worldwide! The Cardan Serv** Network of CSN Wichmann GmbH is one of the most potential organisations in the cardanshaft area for **mercial vehicles and industrial equipments.It disposes of one of the biggest manufacturer-independent stocks of cardanshaft **ponents in Europe. The new production, remanufacturing as well as the partial repair takes place by means of quality **ponents for all brands and appli**ions. The CSN-Management System is certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and 14001. The success of CSN is based on... ... the **pentence of staff ... the conce**ation on Premium products and serv**s ... the **plete fulfilment of the requirements and desires of our customers Learn more about us in the "CSN-Movie"! CSN-Mobility package (WMV, 6:21 min) Modem DSL CSN-Premium-Cardanshafts (WMV, 6:21 min) Modem DSL CSN-Key distributor concept (WMV, 8:08 min) Modem DSL

Cardanshafts in “** quality - made by CSN” The cardanshaft is basically a coupling used for the connection of the input of a driven dev** and the output of the power engine. The overall function of a cardanshaft can be subdivided in 3 single functions: Torque and speed Changing distance between power input and output Changing angle between power input and output. All this is permanently elapsed by shocks resulting in vibrations and additional torsion forces. Basing on these extreme operation conditions considerable power is arising being consumed partly by the propshaft on its own, partly by the drive elements **bining it. CSN-Premium-Cardanshafts... offer excellent operational safety, high serv** life and low running costs for an optimally adapted range of product series from S to XXL. Especially in the he**y duty field from XL up to XXL the CSN-Premium-Cardanshafts are the right **** for difficult and severe requirements due to the following construction features: one piece yoke design highest degree of strength and minimum distortion under load highest load capacity of the Universal Joint suitable material selection and treatment optimal welding connections perfect geometries by **puter analysis